First adventure of the summer!!

The plan for the summer is to let each day happen (except a few that are already planned). I woke up thinking today was a pajama day you know t.v. and relaxing, maybe a book some Friends reruns on netflix.

But the day wanted something else, the day wanted an adventure!

So we ventured down some dusty roads to a hidden treasure. A rock shop! Who knew there was such an amazing place in our small town?

sooo many rocks
sooo many rocks
loved digging around in the pretty polished rocks.
loved digging around in the pretty polished rocks.
weighing her treasures
weighing her treasures

With dozens of different themed rooms and any type of rock you could think of this place had a story to tell. It was just about rocks, it was about history and science and even some jewelry.


Of course exploring rocks made my little adventurers very hungry. We were near one of our favorite places to go so we stopped in for fried chicken, mashed potatoes and peach cobbler!


Since we have gotten home the girls have been playing with their rocks, counting them trying to look through them, arranging them in color patterns. I think I might have some rock hounds on my hands now.

So we kicked off summer with an unplanned local magical adventure! Welcome to summer 2015!


Real moms sleep on popcorn kernels!

Sure the princess had her pea because she was so delicate and princess like she was going to feel that pea. Everyone has a special place there they lay their head down at night.

This mom right here is so mom like that she slept on popcorn kernels!! The kids are home and our family LOVES popcorn and movies and snuggling. So after an afternoon of netflix in mommy’s bed (because it’s the best place for snuggles) there were a few rogue kernels that showed themselves at 1:00 a.m. Of course like the good mom I am I didn’t scream obscenities …no not after being woken up from a dead sleep, I remembered snuggling with my kids and the warm fuzzies that come with that.

Sometimes being a mom is deadly and I’m not sure who for! Little girls are changing my sheets today!



Everything IS awesome!

I can’t find them. They aren’t in the living room, they aren’t dancing around me screaming, wait what’s that?? Is that laughter? Is that the sound of a 10 year old, a 7 year old and a 3 year old laughing?? TOGETHER?!?!?! I slowly creep up to Danielle’s bedroom and I hear talk about friends at school and dare I say it boys. My girls getting along and working together… what sorcery is this?

It’s the power of Legos!

These magic little building blocks of sisterly love!
These magic little building blocks of sisterly love!

I’ve always wanted to be a lego family. You know the ones…where the parent walks around in fear of stepping on one, the family that builds together, and gets excited about going to the store for a new set.





As I’m sitting there building an ice castle for my littlest princess I turn to the hubster and tell him how excited I would be to be able to build the Harry Potter world. To create my own Harry Potter world all glued together and set up so I could pretend to live in it would just be awesome. He turned to me and said “did you even watch the Lego Movie?” LOL!

We are a family obsessed with Legos and can’t wait to pick up more! This summer out plan is to build a lego table! If I’m going to have land mines in the house I’m going to organize them.


As if Daylights Savings time wasn’t a big enough reason to hate Time…here are 3 more!

1. Jillian brought home school pictures this week.

3 years old?
3 years old?

This is my 3 year old? Yep no baby in that face! She looks all grown up and full of attitude!

2. Danielle just turned 7 and we had a wonderful party, I have to remind myself that she’s really a 1st grader even though she’s in 2nd grade. She reads on an advanced 3rd grader level and she just got accepted into GT!! We are so very proud of her!!

3. For 6 years I have been sending home letters to 5th graders about Jr. High schedules, meetings and classes. This week one came home to me!!

Class of 2022
Class of 2022

Really class of 2022! Time for your 5th grader to be a 6th grader?? Nope!! Not at all! Can I refuse this? The silver lining is that she has decided (on her own I might add) to sign up for band! I’ve always wanted to be a band mom!

Time and emotions are running crazy around here! It won’t stop raining and we are hours away from spring break! I hope you are all having an awesome week interwebz!


The post where I try and make up for being absent for a month!

A maybe not so quick update on each of us…one at a time.

Jillian- Still as freckle faced and sweet as ever! She laughs at EVERYTHING and I hear tons about how she hugs and kisses on all the boys in her school.

Danielle- Well we have had some rocky roads with Danielle and I’m not talking about ice cream. She tired out for UiL but we had some problems with her staying still, so I became “that mom” the mom that gives my ADHD child a diet mountain dew to control her wiggles instead of medicating her. She didn’t make the team (which I feel is a blessing) but we all learned some things. We have also had some bad grades, but she is learning her lesson, like maybe she really does need to study for spelling tests.

Otherwise she is doing well and I can’t wait to see her sing a solo in the church Christmas play in a couple of week.

Veronica- well 5th grade is surprisingly good for her! Her grades are awesome, her outlook is great and she has lots of friends. Maybe 4th grade was her awkward time, but she is doing very well. I’m very proud of her. Of course she keeps talking about Junior High and shaving like it’s right around the corner and she needs to stop that!!

Me and the Hubster- well we are busy as always. Busy at work, busy at home, busy at the church. There was about a month when life was topsy turvy because of work, but I think it’s settling down. As usual we are still knocking on doors down a hallway that only God knows where it leads. We’ll see what happens. This past week someone knocked back and is talking to us through the peephole…maybe it will open maybe not. 🙂 sorry for being so vague.

So is that boring enough? I think I brought you all up to speed. No real reason for being gone. I’ve been watching t.v., grading papers, and playing computer games with the hubster.

I promise I’ll try and be better. 🙂


No catchy title….this is just life.

Life with 3 girls is never dull!! Here are 3 very different yet equally funny stories about each of my girls.

Story #1-

We are walking out of my school and Danielle is talking about all the fun she had in 2nd grade that day. She says that she got to see Ms. Cook in the afternoon. Veronica interrupts her and says “Oh I get it! It’s afternoon because it comes after noon”. I just look at her and want to talk to her about interrupting her sister, but she is truly excited that she has discovered what the word “afternoon” means. The only response I had for was to inform her that I was immediately facebooking that.

Story #2-

It’s early morning and we are all running around getting ready like we usually are. Jillian starts crying. In hopes to salvage the morning and make sure everyone leaves the house in a good mood I try to console her. As I’m asking her why she’s crying she sobs through tears “Danielle said that my feet have boobs, and I have to cover them up with socks”. It takes me a minute to realize that she’s talking about her toes. I inform her that those aren’t boobs on the end of her feet they are piggies, she touches them and says that sounds better and runs off to put on her socks.

Story #3-

This story I actually heard about my child from the parent of the other child involved, luckily we are friends that just happen to work together. We have a special deal with Jillian’s Day care where we get to drop her off 15 minutes before they open (so we can get to work on time)so she’s able to see all of her friends get dropped off. One friend that she likes a whole lot is Ryder. She hugs on him and kisses him and mothers him, all those silly little things 3 year olds do. Well one morning she is feeling extra spunky and as soon as she sees Ryder she puts her arms out and says “come here Ryder, get your hugs”. He listens to the girl like his good momma taught him, but Jillian doesn’t stop there. She says “Now give me a big kiss”, as she’s saying this she places one hand on each of his cheeks and pulls him in for a lip lock! That girl always makes sure she gets what she wants!

The only part the mom was made about was that she didn’t get her camera out of her pocket quick enough to take pictures of the interaction.


Jillian’s Day!

One thing we were able to do on the cruise, thanks to the family, was have an only child day with each girl. That meant they had their parents all to themselves to with as they pleased.

So how did Jillian chose to spend her day?



Playing restaurant…


We had lunch together and then had nap. It was a very calm day while all the other people on the boat were playing in Jamaica. My little freckles liked not having to share her mom and dad.


Rainy Day Fun

It’s been a rainy day here in the kingdom….so what do we do?

We make pickles!

Gotta cut them up to fit in the jar!
Gotta cut them up to fit in the jar!
Can't wait for these to be ready!
Can’t wait for these to be ready!

We make a cake!

She did it all by herself.
She did it all by herself.
little sister loves the beaters
little sister loves the beaters
All done and ready to great big sister home from camp tomorrow
All done and ready to great big sister home from camp tomorrow

We also made cookies, but there are no pictures of those. It was a nice calm relaxing day of taking care of business and enjoy some fun. Tomorrow big sister comes home from church camp and I can’t wait to hear all about it!
