Day 4:Books

So I’m supposed to pick 4 books to share with you guys. 4 books that are my favorite…that mean a lot to me. Here goes!

#1. My top book series ever would have to be The Alchemist by Michael Scott. This was one of those books that I truly mourned when it was over. I felt for the characters. I was engulfed in there world and didn’t want to leave.

#2 I have to add here the Percy Jackson series, or really anything written by Rick Riordan. I have read all of the Kane Chronicles, all of the Lightening Thief Series, and am counting down the days until the last book of the Lost Hero series is released.

#3. Currently I’m reading The Land of Stories by Chris Colfer (yes Kurt Hummel from Glee). I picked it up after looking at it about 4 times and turning away. My teaching partner said it was good so I figured I would finally give it a try. The first book was good, but I wasn’t sold. Honestly there were parts of his writing style that bugged me. Each chapter seemed to end tied up in a nice bow..there wasn’t that element that kept me turning the pages. I bought the second one because I wasn’t ready to give up and I’m so glad I did! Mr. Colfer has figured out his writing style and has grown from book to book. I can’t stop reading the second one. Now it’s a kids book for sure, but it brings Fairy Tales to life like never before!

The map alone lets you know it’s going to be a good book. *from google images

#4. It wouldn’t be a book list without giving credit to my husband who awoken my love of reading in my. He handed me this series and after getting through what I thought were the worst 100 pages ever I was hooked! The Sword of Truth by Terry Goodkind will always have a special place for me. It was an amazing series that maybe went on a few too many books but I still enjoyed them. I still sometimes find myself missing the stories of Richard and Kahlan, and wondering how Kara and Benjamin are doing. The books was like my gateway drug into the fantasy world.


Please ground me from TV for the rest of my life so I have more time to read said no kid every, except mine!

The hubster and I are avid readers. When we find a book we like we read it and we tell all of our friends to read it and every time we finish a good book we talk about how we can’t wait to share it with our kids. I think when Veronica finally learned to read we were more excited about getting to start her on “our list” then the fact that she could actually read.

We tried to start out slow,we didn’t want to pressure her or force her to like books, we at least knew that much. After she met all of her AR goals in First grade we decided to buy her a nook, figuring that if she had any book she wanted at any time she would read. Well…..she didn’t.

As Veronica grew up she showed that she loved math more then reading. She would rather do Algebra 2 then read a book…crazy I know. Well we did have 2 more daughters so surly we would get a bookworm out of one of them!

Then something happened this summer. The hubster decided to bribe Veronica! Hey don’t judge, if your kids are in public school they are bribed every day (I know, I do it!). She has been wanting money so he thought we would pay her to read! OK it wasn’t that was actually kinda magical.

AR is a program most schools use to assign points to books and then kids have goals and get points and read more and score higher on test and so forth. Well the hubster decided that he would give Veronica 50 cents for every AR point she earned. The rule was that she had to take and pass the test and if she wanted to could ask other family members to pay her also but she couldn’t make more then 1.00 a point. It was a win for the school, a win for Veronica and a win for the parents!

So we put a book in her hand and prayed. She read it! She loved it! She couldn’t put it down! Then she took an AR test and met her goal in one try! Then she got her money! Then she realized the more books she reads the more money she makes, the more money she makes the closer she gets to having her own tv in her own room!

The Book Bounty was born!!


Another Edition of “What’s on my Nook?” :)

Ok I have at least 4 books I’m going to talk to you about today but I have only read 1 of them!

First I’m still going through the 39 clues. It’s a very easy read and I finish one in just a few days but there are 11 of them!! I’m on number 8 so I will be done soon and then I get to pick up these fine book.

Book #1

I can’t tell you anything about this book because I haven’t read it yet. I can tell you that I bought it on Friday and the hubster started reading it at about 1:00 in the afternoon and he was done with it by Saturday at 3:00 p.m.

It will be my first book of the summer….the whole reason I bought this book? Well honestly it was because Rick Riordan told me to! 🙂

His blog post about his recent reads will give you a great idea of what the book is all about.

Also on my list are ones that aren’t out yet! Do you see what that says??? Carter Kane and Percy Jackson!!! How on Earth can one book contain those two?? I can’t wait to read it and find out!!

This one is coming out June 18th!!
October 8, 2013

Last time we saw Percy and Annabeth they were falling into the depths of Hades!! I need to know that they are ok!!

So I’m looking forward to lots of books this summer. We have also gotten Veronica started on the Percy Jackson series. I hope she likes it as much as we do.

A story about a story.

It’s 1:30 in the morning and I’m sad, not for the normal reasons people are sad….I’m sad because I finished my book. I finished the entire series of the Alchemist by Michael Scott. This book was so many things on so many levels.

It started out as a teen book, but like most of series now days it became more then that. There was heartache and romance. There was war and learning. It pulled me into the pages and made me question things, things in real life that I thought I understood. Reading those last few pages made me sad because the story was over. I would never read about the love between Nicholas and Perry. I would never read about the confusion of Josh and Sophie Newman again. Of course by the end of the book all the confusion was tied up, but trying to figure it out along with the main characters was amazing. I want to jump back into the book and either start over like I don’t know how it ends or pick up right where I left off. Their world was so twisted and turned and intertwined with my world that part of me thinks if I believe (and lived in San Francisco) I could run into She Who Watches.

I’ve read lots of books and have been sad when most of them ended..but I didn’t feel like something was missing like I did when this one ended. Yes I cried when Dumbledore died. I worried that Richard and Kahlan would never find their way back together again a million times. Sometimes I even felt myself get just as frustrated with Percy Jackson and Annabeth Chase did. I even drink the milk I can get my hands on just hoping one day I’ll see some pretty amazing butterflies. But this book was different, this one took me in more then any of those.

So I guess the point in this whole story was last week when Veronica asked me what my favorite book was I didn’t know….today I think I do.

It’s time for another edition of “What’s on my Nook?”

Since the last one I have read about 4 books.

First of all one evening I read one of my “teacher books”, a book I read just because my kids are reading it. I have read ALL of these and they all make me laugh. It was the latest Diary of a Wimpy Kid. It’s your basic struggles of a middle school nerd. Greg is a middle child and doesn’t have any “cool” friends. He’s always trying to do what is right but in his awkward way he ends up getting in trouble for them. The most awesome part about me reading this book in one evening is that Veronica picked it up next and has already read 2 books in this series.

by Jeff Kinney

Another book I read in a quick time frame was Bared to You by Sylvia Day. Yep it’s one of those books, given to me by the bestie and one you would rather read on an e-reader so no one knows that you are reading porn. It’s been compared to Fifty Shades, but there is no red room of pain. It was a pretty good story and I did find myself caught up in their relationship a few times. However the hubster complained that he didn’t benefit from me reading that book as much as he did from me reading Fifty Shades. So I guess in his opinion it was a waste of a book. 🙂

The next 2 maybe 3 books I have read at still continuing in the The Alchemyst: The Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel by Michael Scott. I say 2 maybe 3 because I finished book 3 and then went into book 4 right away finishing that one in 2 days. I”m already 100 pages into the 5th book of the series The Warlock and I just started it last night. I CAN NOT PUT THESE BOOKS DOWN!! Yes they are fantasy but there are so many levels to them. It becomes more then just a battle between good and evil and sometimes like one of the main characters those lines between good and evil are so blurred and you don’t know who you want to win. All you know is that whoever wins you hope the Earth survives. It might take place in present time but you are constantly thrown between times and different Shadowrealms. It is a teen story but every adult I have given these books to love them.

While I’m sitting here talking about my nerdiness let me go ahead and talk about a t.v. show that the hubster has gotten me hooked on, Merlin on the syfy channel. It’s a very interesting take on the story of Arthur and Merlin the Magician, starting in their younger years.

I would also like to say that I did NONE of these books just by my reviews. I’m not a review writer and I’m always afraid that I’m going to give too much away. So if you like fantasy stories that are so believable you can almost think they might be real…then look into the Alchemist series.

What’s on my nook? It’s about time Edition

Well to start off I’m reading Gregor the Overlander again! This time however I’m reading it to my students. They love hearing it so much that they sometimes ask me not to teach science but to just read to them. I have never seen the boys in my classroom get so excited about a book. I have mentioned it to every parent I talk to. It’s exciting to me to see them get so into to.

At home I’m reading this very awesome book! It’s the one I was waiting for FOREVER The Mark of Athena by Rick Riordan. We follow Percy and Annabeth on their quest to save their camp. this time they are not only trying to save it from the gods but also the rival camp run by the Roman Demigods. I’m reading every night! I know I will be made when it’s over and I have to wait for another book to come out.