First: An Update!

Alright interwebz I am back in the land of the living, having finally slept in my own bed, so here is an update on this weeks goings on.

First Conference was awesome. I learned about technology. I networked with people. I learned about my teaching friends. I learned about myself. I am excited to go back to work and share my ideas. I need to get on the ball with a few things I have casually been working on. I feel recharged. Even in more than technology stuff, getting the time to just visit with other teachers, talk about ideas and such. It was a great time.

Second, I believe we have our first craving!! I went to T.G.I. Fridays one night and ordered sizzling chicken and shrimp. Well anyone we knows me, knows that I can’t say no to shrimp, that night however I did. I only ate the mashed potatoes!! Everything with potatoes that I could get my hands on I was eating; baked potato soup, fries, loaded mashed potatoes, potatoes dipped in gravy. It’s all I wanted!!

Third, I work with some amazing people. This week in Austin gave me a chance to get to know my co-workers and fellow teachers so much better and I have some pretty good people in my life. This week really showed me how lucky I am to have the things I have and the opportunities I have.

Fourth, While I was out of town hubster’s grandfather passed away. We knew it was coming, because he had been sick for awhile. I have already lost my grandparents and I know how hard it is. I know that I still miss them and I still cry that they aren’t around to share in experiences (Veronica and my grandpa would have been best buds). We have the funeral today and I just hope that I can be strong enough for my little girls and my hubster through this.

Well that’s all for now. I need to go find some breakfast. Have a good weekend interwebz!! 🙂


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